The Cold Day
The children were in the sea. Kipper was very cold. "Ice cream!!" said Kipper.(p1.14)
Kipper is very cute, I like him. Although he was very cold, he ran to the van of Ice cream. This story is very fun for me because I remember the time when I was very child.
Alex Brychata (1989) The Cold Day: Oxford University
The Barbecue
The dads cooked sausages. The children were fed up. The sausages burned. "Ynk!" said Chip.
When I finished to read this buuk, I thought that I want to do Barbecue too!! Actually, I and my friends are going to the sea, and we are planning to do barbecue and firework in the summer vacation.
I'm looking forward to do BBQ by reading this book.
Alex Brychat (1989) The Barbecue : Oxford University
The New Baby
Jo had some good news. She expecting a baby. "What good news!!"said everyone.( pp1)
This story made me happy. Everyone around Jo were finding old child's instrument for Jo's baby.
This is very peaceful sence. I will help something if my friend or my sister have child.
Alex Brychat (1996) The New Baby : Oxford University
The Egg Hunt
"you can look for eggs", said Wilma.Kate looked for the eggs. " Where are they?" she said.
This is easter egg's story. I have ever experiense easter egg onece. Kate hide some small eggs in the park. But after that, the squirrels had them.I thought the squirrels were very cute.
Alex Brychata (1989) The Egg Hunt : Oxford University
Biff and Chip had a little garden. They had an idea. " Let's make a scarecrow", they said."What a good idea!!" said Mum. Suddenly, the scarecrow glowed. It was time to go home!!(pp22)
This is story of Biff and Chip's venture with scarecrows. I thik that this story like "The Wizard of Oz. Eventually, they made two scarecrows. They are very kind children.
Alex Brychata( 1989)Scarecrows : Oxford University
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