I read "Monster on the Street". Four young people meet the new family who move into the big yellow house. I thought something monster may appear in this story, but Four young people were saying that big piano is monster. I felt these heroines are very cute!! This book is series, so I want to read part2 if I have enough time to read. Next I read "Sorcerer's Appentice". This main character was boring everyday because he has to clean his sorcere teacher's workshop. He want to be a sorcerer, but his teacher never letshim do any magic. Ant, he made mischief wile his teacher went into town. I understand the main character's feeling. For the last time, he feel responsible for his mischief and he became a great sorcere. This story made me happy!! Finally, I read "Titanic". I have seen mouvie some times, but I never read book. I could imagine engineers and workers who employed to shipbuilding. But this book's sentence contain a lot of technical language, so it was difficult for me.
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