I will reserch about Vermont because Vermont is very famous places and I want to go there someday. Vermont is One of the city in the USA. "Les Verts Monts" is responsible for its name. "Les Verts Monts" is french. I will introduce about Vermont.
Vermont take direction internal region in New England. Population in Vermont is608,827. This is the most least populaion in Ameriva. Size is 45th biggest state in USA. There are 41 Reptile and amphibia, 89 fishs. Turkey became extinct. The storongest religion is Roman Catholic. And next is Protestant. There is no indian in Vermont. Marriage system is "Civil union". People is Vermont are allowed same-sex wedding. Cannabis is not crime in Vermont. Main industry is tourist business. Ski and Cycling, Fishing. Apple and Maple syrup is famous too.
Burlington is the big state in America. There is Vermont University inBurlington. Vermont University is very famous university as Public Ivc.
I'm interested in Vermont because There are lot of places I can enjoy. There are not only nature but also famous university like " Vermont university". I want to go there some day.
Vermont is One of the city >>
返信削除Vermont is a city
I will reserch about >>
I will research
I will introduce about >>
I will introduce
take direction internal region ???
most least = 一番多くて一番少ない
People is Vermont >>
People in Vermont
Vermont is very famous places >>
返信削除Vermont is a very famous place
like " Vermont university" >>
返信削除like Vermont University