
Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test

       "Maybe Mudge needs to go to school", Henry said to his mother. "Maybe"." Maybe Mudge needs a nice teacher like Mrs Crocus."When first day of school arrived,Henry and Henry's mother and Mudge drove to a long white building. (p. 22)

Today, I read Henry and Mudge and the Take the Big Test. This is dog training's story, and this is very     fun for me because I wanted to have a pet when I were small children. Mudge is big and lazy dog. Mudge likes Henry very much. I liked the relationship like that. It's make me happy. Although Mudge is cute, we can't Madge is clever. So Henry and his mother decides they make Mudge  to go to the dog school. The lesson for his ability is hard for Mudge, but Mudge did his best. Eventually, he could pass the test. I thought that having a dog is very difficult, but I wanted have a dog!!

Rylant, Cynthia.(1998). Henry and Mudge in the Take the Big Test. ( Read-to Read Book/Fiction)
New York, Simon Spotlight.

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My weekend...and other matters

              My weekend is very busy for me. My family go to shopping on saturday. I wanted to buy some clothes, but I quite the part time job and I didn't have enough money to buy some clothes. So I couldn't buy anything. My mother bought accessory. My sister bought some CD. After that we went to our grandfather's house. There were my cousin when we came to there. So the day was very fun for me. Next day, I went to try the interview of new part time job. This job looked hard for me, but I have to make a lot of money to go to abroad. I will do the best. I had to find an aloha shirt for my part time job, but there weren't aloha shirt in any shop. Eventually, I could find the one in GU. But it wasn't my favorite design. I was very tired when I went back home. I will go to work today.

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English central



Speaking homework

                 I'm Elena. I'm from Ecuador in south America. My job is jewel thief, and my hobby is scuba diving. I dislike bright lights. SoI only rob the jewel not bright. I have married, and I have threechildren. They are good children. My family have a dog, so they can play with a dog in the yard. I made them to practice English since they were small children. So they can speak English very much!! My husband is tall and gentle. He takes us a lot of places. My family is very fun.

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4/26 Busy day

              Today is busy day for me. I went to the interview for my new part time job. I will work at the Beer garden. Beer garden is in PARCO. This job look hard. After that, I need an aloha shirt for the job and I looked for  an aloha shirt. But I couldn't find good one. I was very tired today.

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4/22 Rlaxing day

       Today, I don't have any class. So I can spend relaxing time at home. I wake up little later than every day, and I do some homework. Probbably, I will go to shopping with my mother. After that I go to my grandfather's house. Although I don't decide what I do tonight, I want to practice English by English central!!

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BR 1-04: Why the sea is salty

       Where did the salt come from? Well, it all began with a magic millstone... It made gold and jewels or special spices or whatever the King asked for.One day, a thief heard about the millstone. The thief told the guards in palace he come from far, just to see the palace. A kind guard showed the thief around. Later, when no one was looking, he crept back again."Got it!!". But, he will be caught up trouble there........( Pussell Punter, 2009, p12)

     I have thought that why the sea is salty when I was child. Probabbly, everyone have thoght like that at least one time. In this story, a thief asked the millstone to make salt. But, the millstone continued to meke salt on thief's boat. So, salt overflow to the sea from boat. This is the reason the sea is salty in  this story. I have heard the god of sea cried a lot of time, so sea is salty. I thought that there are a lot of story and each story is interesting!!!

Russell Ounter,2009, Why the sea is salty, Useborne:Useborne hirst reading.

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BR 1-06:The Treasure Chest

            One day, 4 children take swimming test. They can pass the test. They experienced wonderful adventure. "It's magic!! "The children said.(Alex Brychta,1987,p32)

  This is the story of 4 children's magic treasure. They like to practice swimming with Mrs May. She is swimming teacher. One day, they were taking a swimming test. I remembered my swimming test when I was junior high school student. I didn't like swim, so I was gloomy when I have to take swimming test. But they can pass the test. After that they experienced fantastic adventure!! It was very imaginably, and interesting.

Roderick,Hunt.(1987). The Treasure Chest. Oxford:Oxford university press.

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My weekend

             I went to Fukuoka to join "Color run". Color run is very very exciting event!! We ran with colorful powder i park name is "Green park". It was funny. We don't have enough money to go shopping, so we had to go back home soon. but, I think that we could have good time together. I want to join "Color run" again. I want to ASO with my family on sunday. My family went to the park name is "Moenosato". There is a ice-cream shop and we ate strawberry ice-cream. After that, we went to grandfather's house in Mashiki. We had dinner with our grandfather. My mother cooked pasta!!

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Book review

     I read "Monster on the Street". Four young people meet the new family who move into the big yellow house. I thought something monster may appear in this story, but Four young people were saying that big piano is monster. I felt these heroines are very cute!! This book is series, so I want to read part2 if I have enough time to read. Next I read "Sorcerer's Appentice". This main character was boring everyday because he has to clean his sorcere teacher's workshop. He want to be a sorcerer, but his teacher never letshim do any magic. Ant, he made mischief wile his teacher went into town. I understand the main character's feeling. For the last time, he feel responsible for his mischief and he became a great sorcere. This story made me happy!! Finally, I read "Titanic". I have seen mouvie some times, but I never read book. I could imagine engineers and workers who employed to shipbuilding. But this book's sentence contain a lot of technical language, so it was difficult for me.

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writing 3 first class

         Hi, I'm Hitomi Shinohara. Thought I can't speak English fluently, but I like English very much!! I want to write English sentence fluently. I can write very easy sentence in English now, so I will join this class hardly. I'm going to Canada to level up my English ability. I'm interested in abroad. writing blog in English is very important for me.

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